I am excited to announce a brand new product available to all my brides/clients.
Engagement Albums/Guestbooks are now available. These are beautiful 8 x 8 albums with a variety of cover options/colors. They are printed on beautiful paper and then mounted just like a flush mount album. They can be designed strictly as engagement albums or to be used as your wedding guestbook! It is a wonderful way to use your beautiful Marianne Wilson engagement photographs. A great addition to your beautiful wedding. Guests will love signing in these gorgeous books and you will be sure to hold on to them forever.
These are the same high quality albums used for parent books as well.

shown: 8×8 album w/ scarlet weave cover and metal plate cameo
Some of the spreads designed for guest book use:
by Marianne Sanada
Dennis Bullock - Great albums! Who is the vendor?
Marianne Wilson - Hey Dennis.
They are Forbeyon Albums. Great company with fantastic customer service. I highly recommend them!
Freelance Photographer - I think it’s great. If you have had your portfolio online already you may also start selling your photos to magazines, there several thousands in US alone. If you’re keen and you don’t mind sitting at the computer all day you can find all of those magazines in the Internet. Also, there are quite a few really good books and websites out there if you go looking. My suggestion is to check one of them – http://www.freelance-market.net – and try a couple magazines until you find out what does the job right for you. Of course there are others, the good sites will give you all the information you need to start that includes links, description, payments, etc… without the information overload.
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