You may remember my super adorable niece Charlize from some of the baby photos I have posted in the past. Well she is making an appearance again!
The weekend before last I was able to catch a flight to Arizona and spend the weekend babysitting while my brother and sister(in-law) got to have a much deserved vacation in Cancun. I can’t say enough how much fun it is to hang out with her! She was insanely good and did very well for it being her first weekend away from mommy and daddy. I am so amazed by how much she had grown since I last saw her. She even knew exactly who I was when I got there (admit it, that’s pretty good for a 1 1/2 yr old who hasn’t seen you in months)!
Anyways, all that to say I am a very proud Auntie (or Aunt Meme as she calls me).
I was able to grab a few photos in between the running around and playing:

by Marianne Sanada
Valerie Schooling - She is cute as a button!