I’d like to introduce you to Parveen officially. She is a high school senior from the Thousand Oaks area and was a lot of fun to shoot with. Earlier this year Parveen actually had other Senior photos taken by a bigger local studio that does a lot of the seniors in the area. They turned out great and she looked lovely in them! She just wanted to get some images that were more her style and not in the studio setting. Nothings wrong with going to a portrait studio if that is the look you are going for. Just know that there are many more options that might fit your needs/style.
On to Parveen!

by Marianne Sanada
Amy - gorgeous shots, Marianne!
What a beautiful session…love love the balloons and the fun contrast that they bring.
lauren c. - openField. - …these are AWESOME!!! great lighting and LOVE the balloons!!!!!!! : )
Cristen - I love the balloon and the lighting in those photos! Great job!
Adam Squier - The tunnel pictures are really cool. Nice light.
Sasser Stills - Wow I love your works… The lightings were just perfect!